
KSU Baseball Team says Thanks to Debate

During the 5th Inning of the April 8th baseball game the Baseball Team paid homage to KSU debate. The P.A. announcer asked for a round of applause after the 5th inning. The recognition did not fall on deaf ears. In fact, the debate team was so dumbfounded that only two members were able to stand up during the applause.

Despite the cold weather spirits were high for the game - the aromatic coffee helped.

Front Row: (Right to left) George Hodges, David Cohen, Brett Farmer, Rafi Ahmadullah (hidden by Brett)
Back Row: Justin Green, Max Archer, James Thomas, De-Nay-Nay (super fan), Chelsea Good, and John Grice

Special Thanks to photographer and spiritual provider Ryan Ringer.


Finishing the season in syle at the NDT

The team of Kyle Zarazan and Beth Mendenhall finished the season with a very respectable showing at the National Debate Tournament. After 6 rounds the team was 3-3 with hopes of attending the elimination rounds - a feat KSU had not accomplished since before the CEDA/NDT split in the 80's. With an overwhelming positive attitude and a coaching staff that included our behind the scene coach Nick Landsman-Roos, super alum Josh Westmoreland, and usual suspects of David Magariel, Max Archer, and Justin Green, the all business attitude during the competition made the experience serve as a role-model for future years of the NDT.


KSU Breaks two teams at CEDA!!!!

For the first time in many, many years (in fact it was so long ago, we don't have record - any alums can help us out?), Kansas State had two teams reach the elimination rounds at CEDA Nationals!!!!!

Jordan Hanson (sophomore) and Derek Ziegler (frosh) advanced to the quads where they won a debate against Minnesotta on a 2-1 decision before losing a very close 2-1 debate to the top seed of the tournament.

Beth Mendenhall (sophomore) and Kyle Zarazan (senior) advanced immediately to the triple-octofinals where they lost on a narrow 2-1 decision to Idaho State.

Senior Kara Thiele concluded her college career with a strong showing day 1 (3-1 record).

The war room during the quads signified the teamwork that imbodies KSU success.

Wildcats Paint Johnson County Purple

The Kansas State debate team forced loggers to increase their production after the Wildcats brought home so many trophies at the Johnson County - National Junior and Novice Champions. This is the longest consecutive running JV/Novice Nationals in the tournament.

The team of Diante Calhoun and Derek Ziegler took the tournament by like a Kansas storm out of no where. Arguing for a personal, critical, individual perspective they caught their opponents off-guard and created awe in their judges all the way to the FINALS. This team was the second KSU team to finish second at a JV Nationals.

The team of Ryan Bennett and Chelsea Good finished off their outstanding novice careers by not losing a ballot until the FINALS - good for a 2nd place finish. After starting the year 0-6, Chelsea established herself as perhaps the premiere novice debater in the country. Congrats to her for her hard work. Her partner Ryan will be back next year and will be eligible to make a run again for the Novice National Championship.

Personal honors were also brought home. Beth Mendenhall and Chelsea Good were BOTH the TOP SPEAKERS in their Divisions!!!!!! This was the first time this happened all year. Ryan Bennett and Derek Ziegler were also 4th in each of their divisions!!! This was Ryan's first award in college.

Justin Green was also recognized as the JV/Novice Coach of the Year. The student comments about the award reflected the family of KSU Debate.